The Benefits of Juicing

Juicing provides nutrients, vitamins, and raw enzymes that enter the blood stream immediately and are easy to digest. It is the most efficient way to consume a rainbow of vegetables in one shot. 

The body can easily consume up to ten pounds of vegetables in juices, which would be very difficult to accomplish while eating vegetables with the fiber. How amazing to be able to give your body this gift!

This is just what I did when I took charge of shrinking my fibroid tumors naturally.  Juicing is amazing and a great help for overall health and wellness.


Better digestion and assimilation
Weight loss and decreased belly bloat
Supports detoxification
Boosts immunity
Improved sleep
More energy
Clearer skin and brighter eyes
Feeling happier and having more balanced moods
Having a clearer mind and feeling more in tune with the universe

A juice detox can be done for any length of time, from half a day up to 10 days. When done properly, it ensures you are getting adequate nutrients to support the regeneration of cells and organs, while giving the digestion a break and purging your body of toxic waste that can lead to health issues.

By increasing the alkalinity of the blood, even just one juice a day is beneficial. Juicing is also a powerful way to replenish and hydrate the body – after exercising, to address health issues like exhaustion, or even during treatments such as chemotherapy.


I would like to share with you just what I used that changed my whole life and how I shrank my uterine fibroid tumors using natural alternatives and juicing.

You will find a list of juices here that contain mostly vegetables, as fruit can lead to spikes in your blood sugar that leave you feeling like you’re on a sugar high. (Really, you don't want that)!

The recipes include some vegetables that are higher in sugar, like beets. If you are sensitive to sugar, then I suggest adding fiber to these recipes (such as chia seeds or flax meal) or simply exchanging the beets for carrots or a lower-glycemic vegetable such as celery. 

I want to make sure you have enough energy throughout your juice cleanse.You will also see a list of smoothies in case you find you need an extra boost of energy in between your juices. 

Some find it easy to do a juice cleanse drinking only the juices, potassium broth and nut milks, while others may need to add smoothies, raw vegetables or steamed vegetables to avoid hunger.

Please note that if you have hampered digestion, such as IBS, leaky gut, candida, or Crohn's Disease, you may want to avoid including smoothies, as they are more difficult to digest than the juices. Please listen to your body. 

The beauty of any cleanse is self-discovery, and this is your opportunity to find out what works for your unique body.

A NOTE ON COSTS: Depending on where you live, buying freshly squeezed juices can run up to $12 per juice. If you are going to make the life-changing commitment to juicing regularly, I would recommend empowering yourself by saving up to invest in a juicer. 

For a comparison of the various models available, I use the Hamilton Juicer.  It is awesome and most reliable. On a budget, I understand. I have this one too, the NutriBullet 12-Piece High-Speed Blender/Mixer System, Gray
I encourage you to find a local farm, CSA or join a co-op to reduce the costs of buying organic fruits and vegetables. Also check the frozen section for good value organic produce.


1. Get into the mindset of cleansing and supporting your body to detox in a natural way. If possible, scale back your obligations for the three days of the cleanse so you can focus on you. Take this time to set your health goals, both emotionally and physically. 

2. Get the support you need to stay committed to your juice cleanse. Reach out to friends and family and tell them you are embarking on this beautiful journey.

3. Clean off the kitchen counter top, and prepare your kitchen to be a playground for your juicing experience. 

4. I suggest cleaning out the junk by ridding your cabinets of foods that might tempt you. If you feel so inspired, when you’ve finished with the pantry and fridge, you can continue to clear the clutter from rest of your home to create space for newness in your life. 

5. Before you embark on the juice cleanse, begin to reduce processed foods, caffeine, sugary foods, and breads loaded with yeast. This will reduce withdrawal symptoms. 

6. Begin to add at least one juice per day. Start with a simple juice recipe to get used to the taste of juicing, such as celery, cucumber, lettuce, apple and lemon. 

7. Journal your experience, noting daily how you feel emotionally and physically plus any changes you see in your body. 

8. Make sure you buy a BPA-free container for your juice, or use glass Mason jars. Find them here:Epica 18-Oz. Glass Beverage Bottles, Set of 6  (plastic contains toxins we do not want our body to absorb). 

9. Schedule time in your day for juicing, and make enough juices for the day so you do not have to stress about juicing. (I suggest making your morning juice the night before to make your life easy). 

10. Practice relaxation, and enjoy letting go. Give yourself space to be quiet, take a relaxing bath, or give yourself a massage. Schedule, you time for the next three days. Be selfish. I am giving you're the OK to do this for YOU.

Do it for yourself. You are worth it!

 By the way, if you want to remove toxins, lose weight and learn how to make clean eating a life time habit? Grab your FREE GIFT HERE.

For more tips and/or programs on juicing, visit me 
If juicing has helped you in the past, share your story in the comment section.


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