10 Tips To Reduce Belly Fat

Fortunately, belly fat can be eliminated and reduced by the same means that other fat can.  It just takes the right combination of diet and exercise.  There are, however, other factors that can hinder weight loss and cause you to retain belly fat.  Below are 15 tips that can help you reduce belly fat and have those abs you've always dreamed of:

      Avoid stress

    Researchers have found that our bodies produce hormones in response to stress.  One of these is cortisol.  It will cause your body to look for high-calorie food because it thinks it has used a lot of energy handling something that was stressful.
      By closing your eyes, breathing deeply, and forgetting worries for a brief peroid, even if it's only15-minutes a day, it can help reduce stress.  Exercise will also help by giving you an outlet to reduce stress.

      Add spice to your life 


       Research has found that people who were overweight will become slimmer if they eat meals that contain hot spices such as chili peppers because they contain capsaicin.  It's what makes them hot and it helps the liver clean insulin from the bloodstream after eating.

      Since insulin is the hormone that tells your body to store the fat, cleaning it from the body can reduce belly fat.

      Avoid emotional eating

       Sometimes people use food as a comfort.  Which is why we call it 'comfort food '.  When emotional eaters are hurt, depressed and upset, they turn to food to make you feel better.

      When you feel like eating just to eat and you know you are not hungry, substitute it with something else such as, going for a bike ride, a walk in the park or doing another favorite activity that does not involve eating.

      If you must eat something, make it fresh whole fruit or vegetables. I know change isn't always easy. I know what it's like to struggle with (weight loss, healthy eating, staying on track, and staying balanced).

      Diet with a friend

        Having a "buddy" system when you are dieting is a great way to lose weight.  You have someone to help keep you in check and/or accountable so to speak.  You can help encourage each other along the way.  You can also celebrate each other's success.

        ✅Avoid smoking and/or drinking 

      I often here people who smoke cigarettes or drink say that if they stop smoking, they will gain weight. In my coaching practice working with clients, I find this at times, to be an excuse.  Both smoking and drinking can cause you to gain weight.

      Don't skip meals, EAT!

      I know it may seem like a counterproductive measure, but it isn't.  Eating is important when you are trying to reduce your weight, including trying to loose stubborn belly fat.  Don't skip meals.  I see this quite often in my health coaching practice, and I used to be guilty of myself too.

      It is common for people to think that when they skip a meal, they are 'saving' calories.  What happens though is it backfires! By mid-afternoon or early evening, they're starving, and the they feel like they have no 'will power'.  Our bodies needs-food!  Willpower is no match, and then you end up feeling guilty.

      Eat meals without meat

       I'm not saying go Vegan if you are not ready, because every meal doesn't have to be a  "meat and potato" meal. Eat vegetarian lasagna and challenge yourself at times to go with beef or substitute it for turkey beef instead.  Prepare eggplant parmesan instead of veal parmesan.  You'll be taking in less fat, so there'll be less fat to stay around your middle.

      Use greens to wrap your meat

      Instead of eating pork, beef, and other processed meats, use turkey or grilled chicken wrapped in a large lettuce leaf or some other leafy green such as bok choy, romaine lettuce, or chinese cabbage. You'll be reducing your intake of carbohydrates that can add belly fat.

      Eat avocados instead of mayonnaise

      Rip avocados will make your sandwich moist like mayonnaise, and contains good fat instead of the bad fat.  This can also lower your cholesterol.


      Try to get in at least 10, 000 steps each and every day.  If you have a sedentary job, this may be difficult for you.  Schedule a time and place to do brisk walking every day.  

      If you can't, then choose a few other walking activities like parking at the far end of the parking lot at work or when you go to the grocery or mall.  Always try to take the steps or stairs instead of the elevator.

      If this post was helpful to you in anyway, please share with your friends via Facebook or Twitter.
      Thank you.

      -Naturalholic and Holistic Health Coach
      Delores Montgomery
      Set Free Health and Wellness Coaching, LLC

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