The Benefits of Smoothies

After my challenge with the awful symptoms of fibroid tumors, I developed a passion and love for helping people to detoxify their bodies, learn how to eat healthy foods, and improve their digestive function.  

Smoothies can improve your health and how simple it can be to fit them into your daily life!
It is important to include daily smoothies in our everyday lives.

 When our body does not have the important nutrients that it needs, we cannot metabolize foods properly and we tend to not feel so good.

Some of us can experience weight gain, food allergies, anxiety, depression, mood changes, belly bloat, IBS, and constipation.  

And those are just a few of the things that can happen when we’re not getting proper nutrition!
You may also experience low energy or stamina and a low libido (or sex drive). 

Ultimately, we are malnourished when our body does not receive the nutrients that it needs to flourish with health.

When some people think of smoothies, they think,YUCK!” They think it’s a bunch of gross, bland, mushed up veggies in a blender. 

Believe me, my first attempt at making my own smoothie was pretty memorable, as it tasted horrible. Whether it's a green smoothie or just regular smoothie. Learn how: Click Here! It's easy once you get to swing of it!

After learning not only about which foods should be going into smoothies, but also how to properly combine them for nutrients and taste, I found that I LOVE smoothies!!!! You can love smoothies, too!

I have a ton of recipes I’d love to share with you that’ll turn your bad impression of smoothies into a love affair like no other. Click Here! for more recipes
Smoothies are a really great way to pack a lot of nutrients into just one glass. You are giving your body nutrients in an easy-to-digest form, which gives your digestion a break, leaving more energy for you.

Smoothies can help to increase your energy and kick the sugar cravings that so often crop up in the winter months. When we learn to balance our blood sugar on our own, naturally, those cravings DISAPPEAR!  

The best way to start this is to begin every morning with a nutrient-packed smoothie in your hand!

Smoothies are:

  • Chock full of vitamins, enzymes, and minerals 
  • Easy to digest, which means optimal assimilation of nutrients

  • Great for stabilizing blood sugar (you will see each smoothie here has a healthy fat, and fat is key for blood sugar stabilization)

  • A fabulous way to consume a variety of different fruits or vegetables at one time

  • Terrific for cleansing the body of toxicity

  • An easy way to add more fiber to your diet for optimal bowel function
Smoothies are important, because your body will get everything it needs to feel amazing all day long. Hallelujha! your organs will thank you, as they will be supported.
And you’ll notice your waist line looking a little trimmer as the inflammation goes down. The toxins that are being held in your body will begin to flush out, and you will feel incredible.

Other smoothie benefits include:

  • Nutrient absorption

  • Decreased food allergies

  • Good digestion

  • Regulated body weight

  • Reduced inflammation

My Energy Boosting Smoothie – DELICIOUSNESS in a GLASS!!!

Energy Boosting Smoothie

1 cup dairy free milk 2 tablespoons hemp seeds
1/2 banana or avocado 1 cup spinach 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 tablespoon ground flaxseed meal or chia seeds Stevia to taste (optional) Ice (optional)

-Natural-holic & Holistic

If you like this post, comment and share. If you are looking to improve vitality, ditch the sugar cravings, and reduce unwanted allergies, please contact me about my New Beginnings: 14-Day Smoothie Challenge

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